
17. 07. 2024

SaaS: The Silent Revolution and How It's Shaping Software Engineering Recruitment

SaaS: The Silent Revolution and How It's Shaping Software Engineering Recruitment. In the vast realm of technology, a new titan has emerged: Software as a Service (SaaS). It's sleek, it's efficient, and it's transforming the way businesses operate. But what does this mean for the world of software engineering recruitment? Let's embark on this journey together.
12. 06. 2024

Trends in IT Engineering: Gazing into the Tech Crystal Ball

In the ever-evolving world of IT Engineering, staying ahead of the curve isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity. As we stand on the cusp of a new decade, let's journey through the trends shaping the horizon of IT Engineering. At Adaptive Engineering, we're not just observers of these trends; we're active participants. We ensure our recruits are not only familiar with these trends but are ready to lead the charge.
17. 05. 2024

Software in Everyday Life: Navigating the Digital Tapestry with Adaptive Engineering

Let's embark on a journey to explore the ubiquity of software and how Adaptive Engineering masterfully navigates this intricate web. Software is the invisible thread weaving through the fabric of our daily lives. As we increasingly rely on these digital tools, the importance of expertly crafted software becomes paramount. With Adaptive Engineering as the guiding star, businesses and individuals alike can navigate the digital dance of life with grace, precision, and innovation.
25. 04. 2024

Six Game-changing Interview Questions to Ask

​The questions you ask during interview play a key role in the impression you make on a prospective employer – choose wisely...Even at the most innovative companies, interviews can follow a predictable pattern. When the interviewer is comfortable that they’ve completed their assessment of you, a familiar question rolls around:“Do you have any questions for us?”What you choose to ask can have a greater impact than you might suspect.If you produce the same questions as everyone else (“What do you like most about your job?”, “What does your ideal candidate look like?”), you might learn some valuable information, but you can’t expect to be stand out for your innovation or make yourself memorable to the interviewer.If you ask something more thought-provoking, however, you can not only set yourself apart from the competition but take the conversation into unexplored territory which the interviewer has not talked about with other applicants.Your conversation becomes memorable, and you have a chance to score points not available to other candidates by discussing things they don’t discuss.Having a selection of insightful, business-focused questions ready can help you distinguish yourself from the crowd and create a unique exchange with the interviewer.Here are 6 examples and why they work:1. What short-term opportunities do you see for the team to improve results?Asking this shows that you’re focused on coming into the role to make an impact.You move away from typical interview generalities (candidate experience, desired skills etc.) to focus on tangible results and what actions can be taken to deliver better outcomes. At the end of the day, this is what the interviewer needs most on their team – no amount of experience or ability matters unless it’s applied to make a difference.Making the question about team rather than the individual role can also reassure the interviewer that you understand your function as being part of a wider collaborative effort.2. What’s the best investment the team has made?This question demonstrates an appreciation of budget and resources, understanding that team results are shaped by the resources at their disposition.Linking work outcomes to the investment and platform provided by the company reveals an ability to think about team performance from a more strategic angle, showing the interviewer that you have the capacity to think beyond the immediate confines of your personal role.It also gives the interviewer an opportunity to talk about positive aspects of the team you’ll be joining - if they are the hiring manager then they may well have been responsible for the investment they choose as their answer.3. How do you see the team in 3 years’ time?Asking questions with a time horizon creates confidence that you are thinking about your position in the long term, and expect to be part of that team after 3 years.The question implies a level of ambition, probing on opportunities that may be created as the team expands.It also invites the interviewer to talk about their own growth goals, and to share the plans they have for developing the group. You then have the opportunity to ensure that your interview performance and responses synch with these objectives.4. Are there trends you’re worried you’re not keeping pace with?This shows that you view your role in a commercial context, and don’t expect anything outside your job description to be someone else’s problem.Rather than be a passive member of the team, you are aware of threats and challenges in business and assume shared responsibility for overcoming these together with your manager and colleagues.Raising the issue of trends also takes the conversation into a wider reflection on industry news and developments, where you can have a chance to showcase your expertise and share your opinions of where things are headed.5. What will be the next big investment the team will make?Probing around future change to the team illustrates a potential to think big as well as small.In addition to joining the team to excel in your assigned function, you’re also interested in the roadmap for the team’s evolution.Are there any big changes coming up?What tools, infrastructure or additional talent would help the team’s performance move to the next level?You demonstrate a collaborative mindset, focus on team success and excitement for the future.6. What are you most proud of about the team?By inviting the interviewer to talk about what they’re proud of, you switch the conversation onto their own career and contribution, which inevitably generates a positive vibe in the discussion.Putting them and what they’re proud of in the spotlight helps show that you’re aware of your manager’s own career, and creates an opportunity for you to make clear that you will be an asset to their personal development and ambitions – joining the team to give, to support and not simply to follow instructions.***Ready to explore new software engineering and IT engineering career opportunities?Adaptive Engineering recruits across the US, Asia and Europe, filling roles with agencies, saas companies and brands in more than 20 countries. ​
29. 07. 2022

Just accepted an offer for your dream job and wondering how best to approach handing in your resignation?

​If you are reading this my guess is that you have just secured a brand-new role, so a huge congratulations are in order – exciting times ahead! Obviously securing a job offer for your dream position is incredibly exciting but, understandably, sometimes that excitement can be overshadowed by the looming prospect of having to break the news to your current employer that you are leaving them.It’s almost never the easiest of tasks to give the news of your departure to your manager but as it’s an unavoidable task on the road to the next step in your career, so here are some tips to make the process as smooth as possible for all parties.Time is of the essenceThis is key to you, your current employer, and your future employer. Obviously, your new company will be keen to have you join them as soon as possible and get stuck into your on-boarding process and your current employer will appreciate you giving them the courtesy of as much time as possible to find your replacement. It would always be the “dream” situation if they had sufficient time to find a new colleague who could join whilst you are still there so there could be a hand-over process and whilst this is not always possible, ensuring you’ve given as much notice as possible will keep everyone happy!​Counter-offersThis is a tricky one; sometimes when you let your company know that you’re leaving them they are all of a sudden and (often all too late) desperate to show how important you are as an employee and will present a counter-offer to you. This can be tempting as, after all, increased responsibilities or earnings are always exciting but accepting a counter-offer can actually be extremely damaging in the long-term and set you back further in your career. Realistically, you were looking for a new opportunity for a reason and though the immediate prospect of a salary increase or promotion can be attractive, the long-term reality is that you’re likely to be left with regret for not having taken the new opportunity that provided you with what you were missing. Statistically, 80% of candidates who accept a counter-offer from their current employer actually end up leaving within 6 months after realising that their original reasons for looking are still valid and haven’t truly been addressed. As unfair as it may be, as soon as your company know you were interviewing elsewhere, a level of trust is often lost and your employer may be suspicious that you are interviewing again whenever you take time off work. Lastly, it can also damage your relationship with the other company if you accept an offer and then retract it, putting you in a disadvantaged position if you want to work with them in the future.​Honesty is the best policyIt can be tempting, and may seem like the easiest option, when asked why you’re leaving to simply say something generic along the lines of “I loved it here but just wanted a fresh challenge” and in some cases this might be true, but often there is a bigger reason behind closed doors. In reality, you are doing your employer a disservice to not share your honest reasons behind your motivation to leave as it can actually help the company to realise areas where they’re potentially not doing so well and their short-comings and how they can better support and retain staff in future. Think about what made you look elsewhere, was it down to the remuneration, lack of training or perhaps there were a lack of opportunities to advance your career? Respectfully and constructively sharing these insights with employers can really help them to improve. That said, be sure to also share everything you have gained from your time there and thank them for the opportunity that they gave to you, which leads me onto my next point...​Always be professionalSometimes it can be tempting once you have already secured a new role to let your professionalism go slightly out of the window, particularly if your reason for leaving is down to a negative relationship or unfair treatment in the workplace. This is never a good idea, namely because you never truly know who knows another professional in the industry, negative information could be passed on and come back to bite you in your career down the line so do not burn bridges and always remain professional as it puts you in the best position.​Get excited!Once the task of handing in your resignation is complete, make sure you give yourself some time to celebrate your imminent new chapter! When times are “normal”, it is always a great idea to attend any social functions that you may be invited to with your new employer so you can begin to integrate with the team and get to know your new colleagues. That way, the first day will not be so daunting and there will already be a few familiar faces!I hope these tips help in some way to make the process of moving onto the next step in your career as smooth as possible. Most of all, it’s important that you don’t feel anxious or guilty about resigning – always prioritize your happiness, job satisfaction and personal/professional development above all!
29. 07. 2022

​Preparing for a Coding Assessment

It can be frightening to take a coding test and with good reason! Whether it is to get an interview or if it is the final step to landing the job, most of the time these assessments are make or break to move on with the interview to offer process. But with enough preparation, you can ace the interview and move one step closer to getting your ideal job.​How to Get ReadyMajority of the time in today’s virtual world, whether it is for an entry level or especially a senior level position, some type of assessment will be involved such as: Codility, CodeSignal, HackerRank, a company created live test, etc. There are a few things you should do to get ready if you're applying for a development job at a company that uses a coding test.​Do not Over Think but Take nothing for GrantedDon't underestimate how challenging a coding interview will be or expect that your abilities will be sufficient as the first step in effectively preparing for one always expect the unexpected. At the same time try not to over think and cause yourself anxiety or stress before it is time to take it, as this can cause you to second guess yourself and/or go against your gut which can waste time especially in cases of a timed test. Coding interviews are intended to test you as much as possible, regardless of how skilled a developer you may be. These kinds of interviews provide the business with insight into your thought process such as troubleshooting and problem-solving issues that may arise in a real-life environment, how you approach challenges, and if you simply perceive the obvious underlying problems, in addition to evaluating your basic coding skills as it pertains to the job you are or might be interviewing for.​Get to Know the BusinessFinding out as much information as you can about the business is another crucial step.1.      What specific software or services do they focus on?2.      What are the job details such as programming languages, Databases and frameworks are they developing with?3.      On what projects is the business now engaged and have you had any past experience working on a similar project?4.      What is their industry and what businesses do they collaborate with?​Take time to look the company up on LinkedIn, google, YouTube even. Do you have any colleagues (former or present) who knows about them or knows someone currently working there? Get to know the backgrounds of the team and know who you are interviewing with.   Get the basics down.Frequently, a coding test would require you to perform supposedly simple tasks like modifying/debugging code or creating an algorithm that, in most cases, you could find online for free especially with YouTube, Google, even Tik-Tok, it should be fairly simple to find articles and videos from industry veterans who are hiring managers themselves. These activities are typically designed to see how you approach and tackle the challenge. They are testing you to see if you would approach the situation simply or overthink it. ​Practice (Write out your Code)I know I keep bringing up Google and YouTube quite often, but none the less they are great tools for knowledge. Visual learners can watch countless videos on YouTube on preparing for assessments. With Google you have access to hundreds if not thousands of free practice tests you can take beforehand, so it is very important you find time to practice. The more relaxed you are going into an assessment, the better the chance you have in passing. Another great way to practice is your past or current colleagues. If you have worked in the industry for years and are interviewing for a better opportunity reach out to some of your connections (past co-workers or even managers) for tips or even, ask them if they themselves use an assessment in their hiring process. If you are new to the industry reach out to your friends or former classmates who recently got a job or are interviewing themselves. This is a great way to get real life expectations of what may be involved in a coding assessment whether it is for an internal “Live Test” and especially for a platform like Codility or HackerRank.While the test is on the computer, most companies will require you to write your code out during the interview.​In ConclusionTherefore, go into each coding exam fully aware of how crucial it is to the business. Even if the interviewer tries to reassure you by suggesting the outcome won't be determined by the results, they probably will. The business ultimately wants to know that you can deliver on your promises, and there is rarely a better way to do this than to demonstrate your ability to deliver.Most importantly eliminate any doubt and stress, and the best way to do this is to arm yourself beforehand with as much knowledge and practice before your interview. The more comfortable and confident you are, the more successful you will be in passing an assessment. Despite the difficulties, you can master your coding interview and get one step closer to your goal with a little homework, research, and preparation.